Ask any executive to measure their company’s success, and they will recite facts and figures about revenue, net operating income, and overall profitability. But delve a little further, and you will find that the truly successful firms are able to maintain this profitability because of the strength of relationships in their workplace.

The ENGAGED System is the Healthy Workplace Relationship Roadmap. Dr. Bridbord has consulted with countless organizations, from startup partnerships through Fortune 500 companies to lay the foundation for building a healthy company culture and a highly engaged workforce.


Culture Development

Dr. Bridbord works with company founders and executives to create a strategy leading to a productive and healthy company culture. She guides leaders in shaping culture intentionally by putting forth the values they hold dear.


Career Advancement

Every member of a workforce has unique talents, aspirations, preferences, dreams, and career ambitions. When employees feel that their ambitions are being supported and encouraged, they approach their work with enthusiasm and optimism. Dr. Bridbord helps to design a system that facilitates the attainment of professional goals for every member of the workforce.


Conflict Management

In the workplace of every company, conflict inherently exists. Conflict is a manifestation of diversity – diversity of thought, perspectives, creativity, and opinions. Dr. Bridbord helps to create a process so that employees can work through differences while avoiding toxic behaviors, demonstrating respect for one another, and promoting healthy interpersonal relationships.

Ready to explore how Dr. Bridbord can help you and your partners build more productive working relationships and enhance your communication skills?